Monday, March 9, 2009

"E" is for Everywhere!!

Ummm....bananas. And, I just love being a little monkey when I am given a whole banana to eat by myself. M says that I shouldn't play with food; that it is not good table manners to be silly with nutritious food. However, D reminds her that she taught me how to play in food (e.g. Cheerios, oatmeal)!! Boy, this banana was fun to squish through my fingers, smear on my nose and brush through my hair -- I'm going to start my own line of baby skin products.

"E" was going to be for earthworms. While M was digging up the soft earth to plant some bulbs, I grabbed hold of an earthworm. Of course, the best way to figure the squirmy thing out was to try to taste it....don't worry, M saved the little worm from being licked. M didn't have her camera so she didn't get the photo - darn!
This weekend D pushed me in the swing at the park - whee! I also had fun letting the pebbles on the playground fall through my bare toes. I tried to cross over the rope bridge by myself, but M was right there to assist me - what a hovering, helicopter parent she is! Ah, she did help me go down the bumpy slide though, so I guess I'll let her stick around.

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